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Sodacan Internals

This document describes how Sodacan source code is maintained and provides a closer look at the various system components. The reader should be familiar with:

Clone Repository

Clone the Sodacan repository. To do this, you should be in a folder where you keep git working trees. This folder should not have a sodacan-core folder.

Once downloaded, you can cd to the sodacan-core parent project. This will have the top-level pom for Sodacan.

    git clone
    cd sodacan-core

Build from source

Maven will take care of all dependent libraries during the build.

    mvn clean install

The bin Directory

After a clean install of the top-level project, the Windows and Linux scripts that run executables will have been generated. For the CLI, the resulting files are soda and soda.bat in the bin/ folder of the cli project.

Configuration File

The configuration file contains connection information for Kafka and listener configuration for the web server. Various other configuration details. It is located in the config/ folder of the cli project.

Running the command line tool (soda)


The builtin config.yaml file is located in cli/config/config.yaml. So the command should look like this:

    cli/bin/soda -c cli/config/config.yaml

However, that file is unlikely to reflect your configuration.

Initializing Kafka

Sodacan needs to create several topics to get started. This is done using the initialize command. This is not a harmful command: It can be repeated should things change. If it has already created a particular topic, then it just sjips that step.

    cli/bin/soda initialize

You can view the topics with:

    cli/bin/soda topic list